Thursday 21 March 2013

Debugging Test 2

What can I say about test two? For one, it wasn't entirely complicated. It was based on material that was already covered at some point in class and therefore, no curve balls were thrown. It was just what the professor promised and the student ordered. I usually am a very slow starter, test-wise, and spend more time than necessary or sensible on the very first question. Don't ask me why, I don't know myself. However, this test was different. I flew through the first question like it wasn't even there. This was mostly because I had a very similar question lurking somewhere in the middle of my cheat sheet! Then came question two. Meh, it was alright. Question 3 did require a bit more ingenuity and thinking but certainly not enough to cause a nervous breakdown. All you needed to do was understand the definition and apply its contrapositive to the proof. I felt extremely good about that test, possibly because the opioids were raging uncontrollably in my head at that point. Its not often that you come out of a test feeling this great, and even rarer so at the fine institution that is U of T; it was a moment to savor. 

Here's an awesome take on the test:

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