Thursday, 31 January 2013

Bring on the test!

So last weekend came and went, and as surprising as I found it, I actually got down to work! It's  something you don't see often, like the Leafs stringing three victories together. It proved to be a very useful thing to do too. I definitely underestimated how annoying Assignment 1 was going to be. At first the questions seemed pretty straightforward, but when I actually got down to working on them, it seemed like each question had several possible answers. It took a great deal of test cases, patience, resisting the urge to kick-box my computer, and caffeine to keep me going. But at the end of the day, the race was won, and boy was I glad to see the end of that assignment. Note to self: get a head start on assignment 2. But for now, bring on the test! The really optimistic side of me hopes that the quizzes are foreshadowing the difficulty of the test. Much to my delight, the quizzes have so far been quite simple which I assume is their objective.

If there is one piece of advice I can offer anyone in this course is... use a TRUTH TABLE! They are unbelievably helpful. They solve any problem involving quantifiers, conjunctions, disjunctions and implications. I have found them extremely useful especially in the assignment when I had to convince myself of several answers.

I'm going to try and post a question for your minds to dig into every now and then. Here's a simple one to get things rolling

What form of transportation would you use to go to the R.O.M?

Monday, 21 January 2013

Maybe next week?

It's already been two weeks back from the Christmas break. For you optimists, only 10 weeks (and counting) of the semester left! And despite my best intentions and seemingly strong willed New Year Resolutions, I'm starting to slack off and fall behind in course work. No worries, I'll catch up next week I keep promising myself; but its been a fortnight now...

So far, CSC165 has proven to be an entertaining course as I enjoy solving problems, and hopefully that's the general direction it takes. I was quite intrigued and hooked on by the time Professor Heap had gotten through the first week of lectures. His lectures were quite captivating material wise, and how could anyone not enjoy the innumerable 'punny' jokes? One important lesson that I took from the first couple of lectures is to back up any claim. Professor Heap certainly did that when he proved through a simple exercise, his claim, that we were very poor at communicating even the simplest of ideas.

Quantifiers weren't too difficult to understand though the latter topics got a bit confusing. Implication on the other hand was certainly a baffling experience. I was quite puzzled by it, and though parts of it made sense, the introduction of the logical operators - 'and' and 'or' - threw me further out of whack. Best get down to business and hit the books right away. Or maybe next week...